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Need to Know:


Conditions ​and Diseases That Will Be Familiar to You

It is more than 99% certain that a loved one, a best friend, or even yourself, will suffer with one of these diseases or conditions:​​​​​



Abdominal Pain

Acid Reflux


Arthritis Pain

Atrial Fibrillation

Autoimmune Diseases


Cardiovascular Disease

Cognitive Decline

Compulsive Behaviour





Diverticular Disease



Excess Acid

Excess Intestinal Gas



Food Intolerance

Gastric Ulcers



Insulin Resistance

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Leaky Gut

Motor Neuron




Restless Leg Syndrome

Rheumatoid Arthritis




Skin Disorders

Visceral Fat

​​​​You are not alone. Our founder suffered with some of these listed here.  Our founder’s story can be seen on our CHRONICLES page. SuperPow products saved her life.


Microbiome and Modern Diseases.


The rise in gut-related conditions and diseases is largely due to the overuse of antibiotics, antibiotic residues in dairy and meats, pesticide and herbicide residues in produce, chlorinated/fluoridated drinking water, poor dietary choices, bt toxin and glyphosate residues in genetically-modified foods, synthetic sweeteners aspartame, sucralose and saccharine, emulsifying agents, acid-suppressing drugs, exposure to chemicals and other modern environmental influences that all severely impact gut health. Many of these factors are an almost unavoidable component of modern-day lives.


These practices have led to the EXTINCTION OF MANY BENEFICIAL MICROBES FROM THE HUMAN MICROBIOME. Not only do these play a vital role directly linked to our health and well-being, the absence of beneficial microbes allows harmful pathogenic bacteria to proliferate and flourish in the gastrointestinal tract, particularly the small intestine, responsible for where we absorb our nutrients and beneficial bacteria.


This includes a process whereby harmful pathogenic stool bacteria ascend from the colon, where they belong, into our small intestine, where they do not belong. Essentially, our small intestine, where we absorb our nutrients, becomes full of faeces. This may be referred to (although somewhat inadequately) as fecalisation of the small intestine. This, in itself, can be life threatening, requiring emergency treatment and emergency operative procedure.


At a minimum, reduction in good bacteria and increase in pathogenic bacteria causes conditions like SMALL INTESTINAL BACTERIAL OVERGROWTH (SIBO). SIBO is a largely unknown epidemic that is prevalent across the world. It is estimated to effect around 50% of people in most developed nations. Yes, one in two of us carry the SIBO condition and we are not aware.


The health care sector is only just beginning to recognise SIBO as a health condition that is an epidemic devastating to our health. Mainstream medicine often takes decades to integrate new insights. When you suffer with any of the conditions or diseases listed above, you do not have ten, twenty or thirty years for updated approaches.


How is SIBO so devastating?


SIBO is a condition that may be defined as a reduction in good bacteria and an overgrowth of harmful pathogenic bacteria in the small intestine.


Our colon, part of our large intestine, is designed to be impermeable and keep pathogenic bacteria out of our body. Those pathogenic bacteria belong in the colon. When those pathogenic bacteria ascend into our small intestine, they become extremely harmful.


Our small intestine is around twenty-four feet in length and is permeable. It has fewer layers and barriers than our impermeable colon. Our small intestine is designed as our gateway absorption filter, allowing nutrients and good bacteria into our body, as well as providing endocrine functions and immune protection.


The prevalent condition of SIBO is part of a downward spiralling cycle of harm.


THE CYCLE BEGINS WITH A DEFICIENCY OR COMPLETE ABSENCE OF BENEFICIAL BACTERIA SPECIES, SOME OF WHICH ARE NOW RECOGNISED AS VITAL KEYSTONE SPECIES. This is also where the solution lies. These lost super power bacteria specie not only provide huge health benefits affecting every aspect of our physical and mental well-being, but they also serve to fight off the bad bacteria from ever existing in our small intestine. Essentially, the good bacteria are our natural everyday antibiotic to pathogenic bacteria. Without them, we have lost our defence.


Once the good bacteria are gone, the bad bacteria are able to proliferate throughout the small intestine. Those bad bacteria cause intestinal inflammation. Intestinal inflammation causes our already permeable small intestine to become even more permeable. However, instead of performing its proper function of allowing good bacteria to permeate throughout our body, our small intestine now allows nasty pathogenic bacteria to flood our system.


This is particularly characterised by the release of toxins like lipopolysaccharide (LPS) from the bad bacteria, which now freely enters the bloodstream and courses through our body.


It is this SIBO disruption that leads to ENDOTOXEMIA. Endotoxemia may be defined as when endotoxins from gut bacteria enter the bloodstream. An endotoxin may be defined as a complex lipopolysaccharide (LPS) found in the outer cell wall of bacteria, which are released as bacteria die-off. The endotoxemic effect may be subtle or it may be chronic and abrupt. In any event, the effect is at least (and at best) extremely detrimental to our health.


It is this process we now know is directly linked to many chronic conditions and diseases such as those listed above. It is this process that is driving many diseases and poor health conditions, of which more are being identified and understood as you read this today. It is now known that many modern diseases are either initiated or exacerbated by disruptions in the gut microbiome.


What if I don’t have SIBO?


It is irrelevant whether you suffer from SIBO or not (although if you suffer from SIBO and this is not treated, the consequences will be severe). What is relevant is the realisation that A HEALTHY GUT MICROBIOME IS THE FOUNDATION OF GOOD HEALTH. Instead of merely managing symptoms with medications, addressing the root cause through microbiome health is the answer. It is the absolute primary foundation, of any possibility, of experiencing a life of optimal health.


There are now hundreds of human clinical trials that prove these good bacteria can prevent, combat, reverse, alleviate and, in many cases, completely treat and cure those conditions and diseases we highlight above, as well as providing many other spectacular benefits. The list of treatable conditions and diseases continues to grow. Our understanding of which specific bacteria specie and strain target and treat, very specific conditions and diseases, also continues to grow.




It is virtually impossible to avoid the many factors in modern life that may introduce changes in the microbiome composition. On the surface, we appear to be experiencing an era of unprecedented medical advancement. Yet, we are simultaneously seeing the greatest epidemics of chronic diseases ever recorded in human history.


We need to visit the originating root cause of the explosion of modern-day conditions and diseases. The root cause is where the downward spiralling cycle of harm begins. The root cause is due to a deficiency or complete absence of beneficial microbes.


THE SOLUTION IS TO REPLACE THOSE LOST MICROBES. IT IS THE ONLY SOLUTION. We need to assist healthy microbes take back their rightful residence and re-populate our small intestine.






SuperPow can finally make this super accessible and super easy. Our ground-breaking probiotic drinks are unlike anything available anywhere else in the world.


Our life changing super power probiotic drinks are completely unique. SuperPow allows us to regain our evolutionary microbiome super power. SuperPow is the most powerful solution to keeping modern-day conditions and diseases at bay. SuperPow is the most accessible, easy and powerful solution to feeling amazing and looking amazing. SuperPow effects are beyond spectacular.


Our proprietary formulas provide targeted supplementation containing probiotic bacteria specie and strain that have been specifically studied for certain conditions and that have a profound and spectacular impact on our health. We only use bacteria specie and strain proven in human clinical trials.


Now we are beginning to understand the value of 'keystone' specie and strain, the combination effect of multiple specie and strain, their ability to once again take up residence in the small intestine and their colonising effect. This represents an exciting chapter in the understanding and evolution of human health, critical to our future health development. Not only is this critical for our health, it is also critical when addressing the socio-economic challenges our health care systems experience across the world.


Is there an alternative probiotic product to SuperPow?


Quality probiotic products are extremely challenging to produce and currently virtually non-existent. Commercial probiotics often contain random strains that may not address individual needs or support a diverse microbiome effectively. They do not actually work at delivering a genuine impact on your microbiome health. Unfortunately, it is a well sold misconception that consumption of commercial probiotics are actually beneficial for your health. The overwhelming vast majority are not.


SuperPow are able to identify less than five probiotic products in existence that we would consider as being truly beneficial for your microbiome health. Certainly, if you were not going to use SuperPow products then we would urge you to track down the right probiotic product for you. It is essential you replace your lost microbes, at any stage or level of health.


Even these handful of alternative products have their considerable drawbacks. None provide the maximum CFU count possible. Many of their bacteria specie and strain have not been proven in human clinical trials. None of the alternative products provide the most important keystone bacteria specie and strain, that are clinically proven to be most beneficial for our health. These particular keystone specie also provide the greatest residence uptake in the small intestine and promote the repopulation of other beneficial bacteria specie.


How do SuperPow differ from the available alternatives?


  • SuperPow exclusively provide the most important keystone bacteria specie and strain:

    • These uniquely colonise the small intestine (where the battle is being fought).

    • These are the most vital for our health.

  • SuperPow have uniquely designed and engineered an incubation production process:

    • Commercial alternatives produce their products in 3 - 7 hours.

    • Our incubation production process takes days.

  • SuperPow exclusively provide the maximum CFU count possible.

  • SuperPow only provide bacteria specie and strain proven in human clinical trials.

  • SuperPow include bacteria specie and strain that survive stomach acid and bile.

  • SuperPow products set entirely new and unique probiotic standards.

  • SuperPow are the market leaders in ground-breaking probiotic advancement.

  • SuperPow uniquely provide these combinations of attributes.

  • Our ground-breaking probiotic drinks are unlike anything available anywhere else in the world.


The commercial probiotic drinks currently available on supermarket shelves provide around 2-6bn colony forming units (CFU) of beneficial microbes per serving. Some products claim to provide up to 30bn CFU beneficial microbes per serving.


SuperPow have designed, developed and engineered an incubation process for cultivating beneficial bacteria. It takes us days to cultivate our product to its full potential, not the average 3 - 7 hour process employed by most commercial probiotic drink producers.


Our carefully controlled production process enables us to achieve critical mass CFU bacterial count. This is when the maximum number of CFU bacteria count has achieved its maximum possible CFU population count and cannot be increased further.


We achieve almost 300bn CFU of beneficial bacteria in every daily serving (equivalent of maximum beneficial dose proven in human clinical trials). This equates to around two trillion per weekly serving.


SuperPow comparisons with existing commercial probiotics are remarkable:


  • Commercial probiotic = 14 - 42 billion weekly CFU.

  • SuperPow probiotic = 2,000 billion weekly CFU.

  • Commercial probiotic = 168 - 504 billion CFU per 12-week programme.

  • SuperPow probiotic = 24,000 billion CFU per 12-week programme.


If the bacteria specie and strain is not proven in human clinical trials, then it is not formulated in our products.


All of our products contain the most important keystone bacteria species that are unavailable in other leading alternative products. We are the only available product that provides the keystone species able to colonise your small intestine and that are vital to your health.


What are keystone species and why are they so important?


There are certain keystone species that are crucial to your microbiome ecosystem. Not only are they proven to be vital for your health and with clinically proven condition and disease relationships, their existence promotes existence of many other beneficial species. Without them, you lose many of these beneficial species. These keystone specie include, for example, Akkermansia Muciniphila, Limosilactobacillus Reuteri, Lactobacillus Gasseri, Faecalibacterium Prausnitzii, and many more. Restoring these species, particularly their clinically proven strains, are your priority for your microbial health.


Other spectacular benefits.


Whilst our mission is one of health benefit, we do not just stop there.


We have great news about the other benefits SuperPow will bring:


We bring massive anti-ageing benefits, that amount to age-reversal. These include the regeneration of youthful skin that provides improved youthful skin texture, smoother skin, fewer wrinkles. Increased sebum and dermal collagen provide a healthy skin glow and makes you look many years younger. Many customers now use SuperPow as part of their daily beauty regime. You will feel revitalised and younger. You will look much younger transforming your ability to regenerate youthful skin.


You will experience renewed youthful muscle tissue even without exercise. Our ‘Pinnacle’ product specifically targets physical and mental performance providing concentrated levels of particular bacteria species and strain. However, the fact is that all SuperPow products contain particular bacteria specie and strain that contribute to renewed youthful muscle and improved fat to muscle body composition. It’s no wonder SuperPow leaves you feeling strong, youthful, revitalised, full of energy and with new found levels of mental clarity.


There are additional wide ranging mental health and emotional benefits too. Many people report an increased feeling and appreciation of intense love and affection. Many people report increased feeling of deep empathy and improved emotional relations with family, friends and work colleagues. In essence, you realise a more emotionally connected version of you. This is not only good for you, it is good for everyone around you. All of this is possible by reintroducing SuperPow lost beneficial microbes, which provide an increased release of the hormone oxytocin.


Another phenomenal effect is on your sleep. Whilst SuperPow is highly recommended for insomnia, it also helps those who experience particular difficulty when hoping for a good night’s sleep. Many people experience nights of complete, full, deep sleep, including increased REM sleep, that is previously unknown or forgotten. Many report vivid, wonderful, uplifting dreams, which they have never experienced before. People wake up feeling completely revitalised and refreshed, something they thought was no longer achievable. Many people report the loss of general fatigue and a return of fully energised days.


Are there any SuperPow side-effects or drawbacks we need to be aware of?


We hope you will now be aware of the possibility of ‘die-off effect’ as explained in our INSTRUCTIONS section. If not, be sure to read it by clicking this INSTRUCTIONS link.




Our REBUILD product provides the highest possible concentration of bacteria specie and strain for the treatment of SIBO and the ousting of harmful pathogenic bacteria from your small intestine. The REBUILD bacteria specie and strain produce the strongest possible doses of a range of bacteriocins, a naturally occurring range of powerful natural antibiotics. WE THEREFORE DO NOT RECOMMEND REBUILD DURING PREGNANCY.


Are there any other drawbacks? The answer is there are none. STAR REBUILD PINNACLE are all perfectly safe to be consumed even in larger quantities. You may find a full glass of your delicious favourite SuperPow product is your new daily super treat.


The wonderful news is that we deliver our SuperPow products, with our spectacular benefits, via our benign probiotic drink, in a completely natural way. Some say our drinks are like a thick milkshake. Some say more like a yoghurt drink. Everybody says that all of our drinks are absolutely delicious!


Where does SuperPow go from here?


We are now beginning to understand the depth of the microbiome’s impact on health. From influencing immune responses to modulating mood and metabolic processes, the microbiome is a central player in health and disease. As research advances, there is hope for a future where conditions are addressed at their microbial roots, moving away from symptom management and towards genuine health restoration.


Newly emerging scientific microbiome data and clinical trial results continue to gather pace. Their results and our consequent understanding continue to provide phenomenal new future health opportunities. We are entering a new era of health understanding and health management. The prospect of this health future is one of joy and optimism.


SuperPow are here to provide a microbiome-centred approach to preventive and restorative health care. We aim to address the underlying imbalances contributing to many chronic conditions and diseases. It suggests a future where, by focusing on microbial health, we may prevent, alleviate and treat some of the most common and debilitating conditions and diseases.


Some more good news.


So, what about the efficacy of SuperPow products? Surely a benign probiotic drink does not represent a truly credible alternative to mainstream medicine?


Well, here is a final piece of good news for you to digest! SuperPow products consist of bacteria specie and strain that are proven in human clinical trials to be MORE EFFECTIVE when compared to the leading pharmaceutical or herbal alternative outcomes.


SuperPow is YOUR answer to the best probiotic health supplement avaialble anywhere. SuperPow is YOUR answer to ensuring microbial heath. This is YOUR gateway to achieving and experiencing optimal physical and mental health.


SuperPow love. SuperPow happy.


Welcome and enjoy.

Discover your best health self | Experience true health freedom | Experience true health joy.

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